What is Pet Hospice?

Most simply, the role of hospice and palliative care is to provide as much comfort physically, mentally, and spiritually as possible to both the pet and caregivers.

We know goodbye is hard, and grief is hard. Nothing will change that, but hospice care can take some of the burden from caregivers and allow them to focus on cherishing their remaining time with their beloved pet, while feeling like they have done everything possible for their companion.

Some caregivers have a clear idea of what their end-of-life wishes are, while others are unsure of what they want, or even what options are available.

Empowering caregivers to make decisions before death alleviates the worry and uncertainty that can be present.

When we understand a pet has entered the last stages of life, hospice and palliative care offer a way to guide caregivers through the feelings of helplessness, anticipatory grief, and eventually final goodbyes, while working towards a painless transition.

Drawing on their veterinary medical expertise, hospice professionals can help caregivers explore ways to sustain the best possible quality of life.

Along the way, hospice providers assist in assessing quality of life of both the pet and caregivers, help ensure the home environment is senior-friendly and safe, and facilitate end-of-life planning.

If you, or someone you know, has a pet in the last stages of life, reach out to Tender Paws Hospice for more information.


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